Welcome Global Peace Games to Canada!
It was my distinct honor and privilege to have been invited to be part of the first ever Global Peace Games in Aurora, Canada.
The Global Peace Games are held simultaneously all over the world to recognize UN Peace Day and a way for kids and communities to participate in a project that support the mission of global friendship and peace.
These inaugural Global Peace Games were organized by SOS Charity Village and my good friend Ron Werda (Canadian Soccer Marketing and Development).
I was happy to see the grassroots support behind the games. I spoke with the participants and told them about my adventures in Germany this past summer. They all supported the idea of Make Goals Not War and as one very wise 8 year old boy told me, "soccer can teach us all how to co-operate and how to make friends, so why does anybody need to fight."
It was really inspiring to see the kids play such friendly matches and support the project of making our world a better and more peaceful place. The organizers of the Global Peace Games can definitely count on my support for this great cause which I hope will now became a permanent feature of Canada’s soccer landscape!