So my journey to the 2006 World Cup begins...
I have dreamed about this for so very long. Since I was kid, every summer I looked forward to the World Cup. Not only because it is the greatest sporting event on the planet, but because my albiceleste always stood a good chance of wining it all. My earliest childhood memory is of the street celebrations in Buenos Aires in 1978, taking it all in atop my father’s shoulders. In 1986, I watched Diego electrify the world on a little screen on a boat in rural Ontario. I recall vividly how close we came in 1990 and the bitter taste of Brehme’s penalty shot. I don’t want to get into 1994. I can remember sipping espresso in Montreal, horrified by Dennis Bergkamp charging up the right wing which ended our great run in 1998. The pain of 2002 is still fresh, the ball just did not want to go in the net against the Swedes.
But this time, the World Cup has much more meaning to me. It’s no simpler longer about who will win and how well Argentina will do. I’ve realized that I’m not alone with this crazy passion. The whole planet is crazy like me about this game. So if we all love football so much, why can’t we channel that energy into something we can all celebrate collectively? So this is how Make Goals Not War got started.
Let’s resolve our differences on the pitch. We don’t need guns, tanks, and missiles. We don’t need all that death. We just simply need a ball.
So this is my mission in Germany. I will go to the fans. I will go to those who hold power. But I can’t do this alone. I need all your help. All of you.
So please go sign the Make Goals Not War petition and show your support.
World Cup here WE come!